This Feeling Presents: RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019

It was a night for homegrown talent to shine with Alan Triggs, The Kairos, Factory and RATS all playing in a packed Arts Club on Thursday night.

RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

The last time RATS played in Liverpool they filled out the Arts Club’s loft. The band returned but this time were tasked with taking on the theatre, with help from a host of other local artists, starting with Alan Triggs.

Hailing from the other side of the River Mersey, Alan Triggs mix of acoustic folk and then gruelling rock melodies was an energetic start to the night. His band added a punch to his stories, singing about being stuck somewhere he doesn’t want to be on ‘Rock Ferry’ or stripping it back when paying tribute to his dad.

Alan Triggs @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019
Alan Triggs @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

He resonated with a lot of the earlier arrivers through his brutal honesty and sharp wit. What added to it was Trigg’s attitude on stage. He played his songs with an impression that whether you like it or not, he’s going to enjoy this.

The Kairos @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
The Kairos @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

Gritty indie quartet The Kairos were next to take to the stage in an already heaving Arts Club.

Their punchy lad rock stirred up the crowd and even got a singalong going, that took the band by surprise. Not bad for a band with only one single released so far. The young band tore through their set and that energy seared into the crowd who gave it back.

A glance through the crowd and you could see everyone was hooked on their electrifying set. The performance came to an end with their next single, which capitulated with a thrilling instrumental fronted by a stunning guitar melody.

The Kairos clearly have a strong following already who soaked up every note played and lyric sung. Their a band that cause a stir amongst the audience and resulted in being one of the highlights of the night.

The Kairos @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
The Kairos @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
Factory frontman, James Shelley @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
Factory frontman, James Shelley @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

Factory brought soaring indie rock to the Arts Club. With a mix of frustration of current affairs on ‘Special Space’ and grungey rock during the ‘Little Black Book’, they flexed their muscles showing the many layers this band have.

Throughout they thrashed around the stage, with frontman, James Shelley attacking the microphone while bassist, Tony Dainteth and lead guitarist, Karl Richardson bounced off of one another.

Clearly in the mood, all four band members were on form as they played with a heart-pounding intensity.

Factory @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
Factory @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

Our first introduction to RATS came back when they popped up On The Radar, when they released ‘Figure It Out’ earlier this year. The trio have a handful of songs released to date that all have a sense of relatability about them for the young adults finding their feet in the world today.

RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

They were greeted by a lively crowd who had been chanting “we want RATS” over and over while stage crew set the gear up.

RATS frontman, Joe Maddocks during an eclectic set for This Feeling in the Arts Club.
RATS frontman, Joe Maddocks during an eclectic set for This Feeling in the Arts Club.

The incredible welcome they received clearly had an affect on the band. They knew it was all about them and they soaked up every single second.

Their set was packed with bouncing indie tunes with Joe Maddocks infectious words taking over a rammed Arts Club. With singles ‘Figure It Out’, latest release ‘Jack’ and the formidable ‘Weekend’, RATS had the crowd in the palm of their hand.

Huge sing alongs through out, the band and crowd fed off of one another in a set that came and went far too quickly.

RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

RATS came back to Liverpool and conquered. They showed how much they love being home and home showed how much they love them.

RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.
RATS @ Arts Club, Liverpool 13/09/2019.

Check out the full gallery below.

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